viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

1993 - From Sakhalin to China

After living in London Ms. Thatcher fall in 1990 and in Moscow the putsch in august 1991, Mr. Gorbachow hijacking and finally the Soviet Union collapse I came back to work in the Japanese Pavilion at the Seville Expo 92 where I could make some money to continue my trip to Egypt, this time with my wife, from Sakhalin island, I actually married her in the Spanish Embassy in Cairo.

We married again in Spain in order to let my family to know her. Then we moved again to Russia, to Sakhalin, for her family to acknowledge me as her husband. Then we decided to move to China. I had started to learn Russian, Arabic and Chinese in Berlin when studying International Relations and Peace Research there and I would accomplish my plan this way before becoming a family man and search for a job.

My father in law arranged with a local cargo airline our trip to China. It was a big plane, I think an Antonov, it was full of Japanese cars we brought from Sakhalin to Irkutsk. From Irkutsk it had to leave for Shanghai to pick up a fur coats cargo. We arrived to Irkutsk at 3 am and were received by people with Kalashnikovs taking care for the cars downloading, once it was done we went then to the airport crew hotel to wait for our departure to China.

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